Niedosik Law, PLLC

Practice Areas

Real Estate/Real Estate Closings (Ashe, Alleghany, Wilkes and Watauga) and MORE- just ask!

Personal Injury Law

Estate Law


Social Security Disability

Civil Litigation

Traffic Infractions
Get in Touch
Physical Address: 901 Mount Jefferson Road
West Jefferson, NC 28694
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 567
West Jefferson, NC 28694
telephone: (336) 649-3333
facsimile: (336) 649-3733

About Niedosik Law, PLLC
Niedosik Law, PLLC offers a wide range of legal services, including commercial and residential real estate closings. We can close in our office or yours and can handle your real estate closing in nearly every county in North Carolina.
Laura Niedosik's first job after obtaining her BA in Political Science at Elon University was as a real estate paralegal. She holds a paralegal certificate from Georgetown University and a Juris Doctorate from Charlotte School of Law where she was a merit scholar. Laura worked as a real estate paralegal during law school and achieved her North Carolina real estate license (currently inactive) to better understand the closing process.
Upon graduating from law school, Laura worked at David, Murrelle & Lyles in Morehead City, North Carolina where she left as a junior partner. Her practice focused on social security disability and Superior Court litigation.
Laura truly understands how to handle a case from opening a file to sending out the closing letter. Having played every role in a law office, she can handle it all and will be there with you every step of the way.
Call or message us on our website today and schedule a consultation.